What is Piano Finish Laminate Flooring?

As it’s been said on this blog many times, and can’t be said enough, is that laminate flooring has evolved since it was first invented.  There have been many features that make laminate a practical  choice in a flooring surface.  For versatility and ease of installation alone, it’s been a go-to solution for many people for many years.  Only recently though has it been thought of as an aesthetic choice as well as a practical one.

One such innovation in recent years has been the piano finish laminate floor.  Take a look at this video featuring Co-Founder Rob Banks, who talks a little bit about this variety of laminate flooring.  He’s got his salesman’s hat on in this video, just because it was a part of our product announcement series.  But in it, you get to see how this line of laminate floors got its name. Take a look:

As Rob points out, the piano finish laminate floor is so named because of its high-gloss finish – not unlike that of a grand piano, one might say.  At this point in the evolution of modern flooring, laminates are not simply measured by how practical they are, and how well they mimic a natural surface on a superficial level.  It’s measured by artistry, too.   This is one of the gaps that piano finish laminate floors seem to fill; a practical floor with a touch of class.



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