Chocolate Flooring At BuildDirect – For Reals!

For many years, we here at BuildDirect have turned to the world of food to name some of our flooring products. One particular culinary area as related to flooring has been chocolate; mocha, dark chocolate, chocolate malt, chocolate mousse, and on and on.

People like chocolate. I know I do.

But, we’ve taken that connection between reliable and attractive flooring and life-giving cocoa-based foodstuffs to it’s logical conclusion; we’re now sampling floors MADE FROM REAL CHOCOLATE!


A radical move

It’s a radical move, we know. That’s because  at BuildDirect, we like to push the envelope (of rich bittersweet chocolate …), and enrobe our product offering in surprise, amazement, incredulity. Take a look at this video to see what we mean, and feel the rush of excitement (and endorphins) that only real chocolate can deliver.


Chocolate and flooring were destined to be together.  It’s food. It’s a floor. It’s both! Why didn’t anyone think of this before? Talk about industry innovation! And just in time to order flooring for Easter, too.

Here’s a shot of “dark”; a sumptuous, bittersweet flavor (literally!) to add some mystery to your interiors.


And what about a bright, vibrant “white”, a sweet and sophisticated measure of your personal taste?


Then of course there is the richness of milk chocolate to consider …


Which would you choose?

So, what do you think? What kind of chocolate floors would you like to see in your space?

With the Chocolate Sensation Handscraped Classic Collection, you’ll have your choice of three chocolate floors; dark, milk, or white . Take a look!

Yum Yum!



PS. (note: the flakes from the handscraping process are not wasted, trust me. Two words; latté sprinkles).

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